HMC Community Announcement – Mechanical Slaughter & Gassing of Chicken

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For over a decade HMC has been working at the forefront within the Halal food industry monitoring and inspecting Halal foods ensuring that the products in question meet with Halal provenance.  Along this journey HMC has uncovered numerous malpractices and has continuously highlighted these concerns to the community as a whole.

It is with great regret that we have to inform you that mechanical slaughter of poultry is still taking place and being sold in the Halal meat sector each day.  These products are also being sold with a Halal certificate legitimising the products in question.  According to a study commissioned by HMC in 2009 over 94% of Muslim scholars did not agree with mechanical slaughter as being an acceptable method to slaughter Poultry.

A new phenomenon which has started to become the norm in the Non Halal sector is the gassing of chicken.  This is where chickens are placed inside a gas chamber and suffocated to death.  It has now been brought to our attention that this practice has now been mobilised in the Halal food sector which is extremely worrying, as this does not conform to the criteria of Halal.  Furthermore it has also been brought to our attention that these products are being sold in the name of Halal with a Halal certificate.

As a responsible certifier we believe that it is our responsibility to provide the community the information at hand so that they are able to make informed decisions when buying meat from their local stores. As a result, HMC will be speaking with leaders from Muslim organisations and Mosques across the Country to bring to their attention the risks and concerns within the sector, especially concerning mechanical slaughter and gassing of poultry.

For Muslims, eating Halal food has been prescribed as part of our way of life. However, if the gassing of chicken and mechanical slaughter are not driven out, then eating Halal food may just become a “thing of the past.”

We urge the community to be vigilant and to support the HMC campaign so that all Muslims can eat with confidence and not have to doubt the food which they purchase.

Should you require any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact a member of the HMC team.


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