HMC Events at Darul Uloom Bury and Preston

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On the 18th of January 2025, The Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC) was honoured to be invited by Darul Uloom Bury and Preston Halal Awareness (PHA) to present to their respective communities with regards to the inner workings of the Halal industry. 

The team were extremely honoured to present to over 400 students in Darul Uloom Bury (Darul Uloom Al Arabiya Al Islamiyya), which is the oldest Islamic seminary here in the UK. Darul Uloom holds a special place in our hearts, and we thoroughly enjoyed our sessions with the students and their questions.  

Speaking to our young generation is a key objective for HMC. As our leaders for tomorrow, it is imperative that our young are well educated about the realities of the food industry and the challenges faced in the Halal market. A big JazakAllah for the hospitality and love shown to us by the team at Darul Uloom. 

The team was also invited to a special Ulama (Muslim scholars) event, attended by over 60 scholars (Ulama) from within the Preston community. 

Alhamdulillah, the event proved to be an engaging event with lots of sharing and listening taking place. Many scholars shared their personal experiences of Halal and many misunderstandings and rumours circulating around the work HMC do were responded to. Many scholars showed great interest for further events in the future and commended the work of HMC. 

On the 19th of January, HMC attended their final event in Preston. Preston Halal Awareness (PHA) hosted HMC for a community event at Masjid Saliheen (Grafton Street), where the challenges faced within the Halal food industry was discussed, followed by an extensive question and answer session. Many of the attendees found it very educational and were very surprised by some of the findings shared. 

Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala, Chair of HMC, said; “The entire HMC team was pleased to meet with members of the community. I personally would like to thank Darul Uloom Bury and Preston Halal Awareness for inviting us to counter the many myths and misconceptions about HMC and I have every faith that the community of Preston will continue to support the work of HMC. It was a great honour for our team to be able to present at Darul Uloom and we look forward to a continued relationship in the future.” 

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Shaykh Abdurraheem Limbada (Bolton) and Mufti Shabbir Ahmed (Blackburn) for blessing our events with their presence and sharing their valuable advice.  

If you would like a member of the HMC team to visit your locality and deliver a presentation, please feel free to reach out on the email address below:


HMC is the UK’s largest Halal certifying body, employing over 220 people. Last month alone, HMC staff spent 12,000 hours to ensure your food is genuinely Halal with 13,000 visits made to outlets nationwide. It is a registered charity and also a not for profit organisation. It is overseen by a voluntary body, the National Executive Committee that consists of mainly scholars who are the Trustees of the organisation. HMC has been set up to work in the favour of all Muslims and the consumer at large. HMC aims to regulate and at every point inspect Halal products from source to the consumer. HMC is committed to serving the Muslims and the wider community and it intends to provide peace of mind and security where required.

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