Luton welcomes HMC with open arms

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Through the infinite mercy of the Almighty, we are pleased to announce the opening of the Luton branch of the HMC.

HMC was invited to introduce itself on the Luton Radio Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, Shaykh Muhammad Shafi Chowdhury presented the religious obligations to man with regards to what they consume, followed by how HMC has uplifted this ‘Fardh-e-Qifiya’ and the HMC system.

Thereafter, Shaykh Umar who can be contacted on 07985 493 148 was appointed as the Luton coordinator-HMC (L-HMC).

The middle of December 2004 also saw the introduction of the first certified butcher in Luton, Al-Halal Butchers, 116 Dunstable Road as well as Luton’s first Fast-Food outletĀ  Al-Tazaj, 112 Dunstable Road.

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