As the celebration of Eid-ul-Adha draws near, many Muslims are already placing Qurbani orders with butchers countrywide in preparation of this important festive period. As many know, Qurbani is an important obligation for the majority of Muslim adults with detailed and specific prescription based on Islamic teachings beyond the normal rules of Halal.
“Eid-ul-Adha – Will Your Qurbani Be Valid?”
September 2015
As the celebration of Eid-ul-Adha draws near, many Muslims are already placing Qurbani orders with butchers countrywide in preparation of this important festive period. As many know, Qurbani is an important obligation for majority of Muslim adults with detailed and specific prescription based on Islamic teachings beyond the normal rules of Halal.
With the many Qurbani scams that have been highlighted over the years, how sure are you that you too will not fall foul of the latest scam. HMC explains in more detail …
In the UK, the Qurbani is undertaken in closed licensed slaughterhouses. Access to these facilities are not usually allowed to the general public making it impossible to know how the Qurbani was actually performed. Many will be sat at home and will later pick up the Qurbani meat from butchers assuming that their religious obligations have been met in proxy.
Will you fall foul of one of these Qurbani scams this Eid?:
- Normal Halal Meat. HMC has found slaughterhouses providing ‘Qurbani’ meat prepared before the Eid Salah (and before dawn). Many are doing this so that meat can be delivered to eager customers early. Unfortunately this normal Halal meat does not fulfill the Qurbani obligation.
- Animals Slaughtered by Non-Muslims. This occurred in 2007, and was reported in the National newspapers This meat was distributed to unknowing customers as Qurbani meat.
- Under-age animals passed off as Qurbani. This was found at some slaughterhouses last year but was intercepted (by HMC). Although the EEC number might have revealed this as a Halal plant, this practice would have made the Qurbani void.
- Non allocation of Animals. Many animals are not being specifically allocated to their owner prior to slaughter. This allocation is a pre-condition for the transfer of ownership, and renders the Qurbani void if not undertaken. HMC are aware of plants who do not meet this obligation due to complexity and numbers involved!
These are grave concerns that HMC has been seeking to address with improved systems and awareness. HMC will be the only Halal Certification body that will have inspectors on-site on every day of Eid with monitors visiting outlets during Eid to check the special HMC Qurbani markings on meat. This end to end process has been designed to eliminate the scams and issues that have been identified over the years.
HMC Assurance Scheme in Operation
HMC deploys special Qurbani procedures to help ensure HMC consumers can buy their Qurbani meat with utmost confidence. The scheme operates with the following measures to ensure Qurbani is undertaken according to the rules of Islamic Law;
- Guidance Document – HMC has sent a guidance document highlighting the rules of Shari’ah relating to Qurbani to all its certified slaughterhouses that are performing Qurbani. This gives specific rules that our inspectors will monitor during Eid days.
- Memorandum of Agreement – HMC has prepared a memorandum of agreement that will be signed with its red meat slaughterhouses that are performing Qurbani under HMC supervision to confirm that they have read and understood the rulings set out in the guidance document and that they will comply with the rules therein.
- Inspectors’ Presence – HMC will provide inspectors who will be physically present on all three days of Eid. The Inspectors are independent from the slaughterhouse and are employed by HMC to work on behalf of the public.
- Special Qurbani Stamp – HMC has introduced a special stamp for Qurbani that will be used on all Qurbani animals so that outlets and customers can clearly differentiate between normal Halal meat and those slaughtered for Qurbani.
- Ink Colours – It is hoped that everyone will celebrate Eid on the same day, this year. However, if not, this will mean customers celebrating on the second day will require their Qurbani to be slaughtered on their Eid day after Eid Salah and not the day before. Hence, in order to distinguish, we will be using different colour inks for both days.
- Licensed Abattoir – HMC monitors will ensure that all items that enter HMC certified butchers will be from a HMC certified source and from a licensed slaughterhouse, thus each carcass must carry the HMC stamp and the EEC stamp. Any carcass that does not carry both a Licensed EEC number along with the HMC markings will be refused entry into the HMC outlet.
So please be sure that your Qurbani is performed correctly, make sure its HMC certified. Let HMC do all these checks for you on your behalf!
For an up-to-date list of HMC certified butchers;
For an up-to-date list of red meat Abattoirs where HMC inspectors will be present;
HMC requests continued dua and support from all readers. HMC wishes all its supporters, well wishers, and the whole Muslim Ummah Eid Mubarak.
“HMC taking deceit out of Qurbani” – Your Seal of Assurance.
For further information please call HMC on 0333 344 7886 or email
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