Before we begin, let me ask you a question. How would you feel if you spent £100 on a pair of designer shoes, only to later find out that the shop that sold them to you had sold you a fake item?
HMC receives many enquiries, from members of the public informing us that a local butchery or eatery, is using the HMC logo on their shop window, leaflets or menus but they cannot locate the store in question on the HMC website. The concern for HMC is when a non-certified store uses the HMC logo without HMC’s prior approval this gives the impression to the public that they are an approved member when in fact they are not.
Ultimately, we want to ensure that when you see the HMC logo, you are completely satisfied that you are purchasing from an approved HMC certified retailer and not someone who claims to be approved. Alhamdulillah, we have managed to achieve this by ensuring that certain criteria’s are met by a certified member, which includes:
- A A3 yellow sticker on the window or door
- A valid, up to date certificate on display in the outlet
- The outlet details are available on the HMC website
If any of these three are missing, then questions should be asked at the outlet and/or by contacting us directly. Once we discover that an outlet is not certified, a member of our team contacts the outlet instructing them to remove the HMC logo, as they are in breach of our Intellectual Property – (Trade Mark – No 2344757).
What Does HMC do once it identifies that a retailer is in breach of our Trademark:
- HMC advises the retailer to stop using any reference to HMC on all materials such as leaflets, posters, signboards, websites, pricing lists, menus, window stickers etc.
- To Remove any reference to HMC from website(s), signboards etc., (if any).
We Give 7 days for the retailer to reciprocate, In failing to comply, we are left with no choice but to publicise those outlets which are in breach our trademark. We believe that it is our duty and in the best interest of the public to ensure that consumers, are not misled in to thinking that a particular store is HMC certified when in fact they are not.
How can you help? If you spot our Certification Mark in a store or any material, ensure the above checks are made so that you can be confident that you are consuming a HMC certified product. Remember, sticker, certificate and website. If any of these three are missing, please contact us on 0333 344 7886 or email
Thank you for taking time out to learn more about our process in tackling the logo misuse taking place.
Did you know? We NEVER claim that an outlet violating our trademark is selling Haram as this goes completely against our ethos.
Interested in reading more? Click here to learn about doubtful methods of slaughtering.
HMC is the UK’s largest Halal certifying body, employing over 220 people. Last month alone, HMC staff spent 14,448 hours to ensure your food is genuinely Halal with 15,488 visits made to outlets nationwide. It is a registered charity and also a not for profit organisation. It is overseen by a voluntary body, the National Executive Committee that consists of mainly scholars who are the Trustees of the organisation. HMC has been set up to work in the favour of all Muslims and the consumer at large. HMC aims to regulate and at every point inspect Halal products from source to the consumer. HMC is committed to serving the Muslims and the wider community and it intends to provide peace of mind and security where required.