HMC | Meat & Poultry Home Delivery Services Clarity

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HMC has been inundated for clarity regarding messages that are being circulated across the Country offering a “HMC certified home delivery option.”  It is important to note that currently, HMC certifies establishments that work from a fixed address where all the products that enter the shops do so carrying the HMC markings.  This allows trained HMC personnel to be able to quantify the products in question.

We would like to clarify that at present, HMC does not have a mechanism in place to certify products via a door to door service and we are working with our members to implement a verification method that may assist in creating this kind of system.

We have also seen several messages with HMC’s name being mentioned yet many vendors are not certified by HMC.  We therefore urge the community to:

  1. Verify the message being circulated by calling HMC on 0116 326 0165 so that a member of the HMC team can verify the authenticity of the vendor and whether they are HMC certified or not.
  1. You can log onto the HMC website – and verify the vendor in question.

We ask the entire community to be extra vigilant during this time and not fall foul of businesses passing of as being HMC approved or claiming to sell HMC when they are not being verified.

We ask you to supplicate for all during these testing times and to continue to support HMC so that it can continue to provide confidence in the Halal market.

Please click here to read our press release regarding our Business Continuity update.

HMC – Helping Muslims Choose


HMC is the UK’s largest Halal certifying body, employing over 220 people. Last month alone, HMC staff spent 14,448 hours to ensure your food is genuinely Halal with 15,488 visits made to outlets nationwide. It is a registered charity and also a not for profit organisation. It is overseen by a voluntary body, the National Executive Committee that consists of mainly scholars who are the Trustees of the organisation. HMC has been set up to work in the favour of all Muslims and the consumer at large. HMC aims to regulate and at every point inspect Halal products from source to the consumer. HMC is committed to serving the Muslims and the wider community and it intends to provide peace of mind and security where required.­­

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